A Blonde girl on a flight?!

Question: A Blonde girl on a flight!?
I don't really discriminate against blonde's but it is a joke!.

A Blonde is on a flight to Melbourne!.!.!.!. she is in Economy Class and gets up and goes to First Class!. The Flight Attendant sees this and goes over to her and asks to see her ticket!. She says "Excuse me but you have an economy class ticket and are sitting in first class, you will have to move back" the blonde replies "I'm blonde, beautiful and going to Melbourne and you can't make me move" so the attendant goes to the pilot and co-pilot and tells them what has happened the co-pilot goes to the blonde and tries to explain to her again that she has to move but she replies with the same answer!. They go back to the pilot and said that they should arrange to have her arrested when they land in Melbourne!. The man asks "You say she's blonde!? Let me talk to her" So he goes to the blonde girl and whispers in her ears!. She then gets up and says "Oh I'm so sorry" and goes back to her original seat!. The attendant and the co-pilot are shocked and desperately ask him what he said!.!.!. "I told her that first class wasn't going to Melbourne"Www@Enter-QA@Com

I totally understand,I'm blonde and would have moved too!.!. Smile!. Cute and to the pointWww@Enter-QA@Com

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