I dont understand this joke please explain.A priest is in the confessional givin!

Question: I dont understand this joke please explain!.A priest is in the confessional giving penance!?
one day, and he realizes that he has to take a leak!. He waves over a nearby nun and says to her, "Sister, please deliver penance for a short while as I must perform a necessary function!." The nun agrees, but looks a little puzzled!. "Father, how will I know what penance to give to who!?" The priest replies, "There's a little list on the wall!. Consult it and it'll tell you what to do!." and he runs off!.

A few minutes later, a man walks into the confessional and says, "Father forgive me, for I have sinned!. I have stolen from my neighbor!." The nun looks at the list on the wall and finds stealing on the list!. "Say two Hail Marys and be on your way!." She thinks to herself, this isn't too hard!.

A few minutes later, another fellow walks in!. "Father forgive me, for I have sinned!." he says!. "I have fornicated!." The nun looks on the list and finds fornication!. She says to him "Say two Hail Marys and an Our Father and be on your way!." She then starts thinking , " this isn't hard at all! I could do this more often!"

A third man walks in and says, " Father forgive me, for I have sinned!. I had oral sex," The nun looks at the list on the wall but she can't find a listing for oral sex!. She looks around nervously and spots an altar boy!. She pulls him aside and asks him, " What does the Father give for oral sex!?"

The boy replies, "two Snickers bars and a coke!."Www@Enter-QA@Com

This is definetly a classic!. These types of jokes have been surfacing recently because of all the scandal in the Catholic Church!. The meaning of this joke is quite simple and very funny!. First off, "penance" is just another word for punishment in the Catholic Church!. When someone sins, they are given prayers to say, or duties to complete to cleanse themselves of their previous sins!. When the man came in and confessed that he had oral sex, the nun referenced the list but couldn't find it, and therefore was unsure on what penance to give the "sinner"!. She then pulled aside an alter boy asked him the loaded question, "What does the preist give for oral sex!?", to which he answered, "Two snicker bars and a coke", which implies that this is what the priest rewards the altar boys with for giving him oral sex!. It's a very dirty joke, but funny as hell if you ask me!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

It is in relation to Priests sexually abusing Altar boys!. There have been alot of Priests charged over the year!.

In simple terms the Altar boy is implying that's what the priest gives hime after performing oral sex!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

The joke (not funny to MANY people) is saying that the priest pays the altar boys two snickers and a coke for the altar boy to give the priest oral sex!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

hey i really don't believe you dint get this joke
its the same as when women let men have there way with them women get a new dress, shoes and oh yeeer peace for a while
x x xWww@Enter-QA@Com

it means that the priest pays the altar boy 2 snicker bars and a coke for oral sex
very funny!!Www@Enter-QA@Com

It means that when the boy gave him head, the preist paid him with two snickers and a coke!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

it means that is wat he will give the person if they give it to himWww@Enter-QA@Com

i dont get it eitherWww@Enter-QA@Com

I get it! Why do people give thumbs downs to people who don't!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

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