Free Riding late confession?!

Question: Free Riding late confession!?
This nun's standing at the bus stop, when the double decker bus pulls up!. As she gets on she notices she's the only one on the bus,she turns to the driver and asks,"Could you do me a special favour,Mr Driver!?" "If I can," He replies!. "Well, the thing is, I have a serious heart problem and I want to have Sex for the first time, before I die!." "Erm, Ok," answers the driver!.
"There are two conditions, though,"says the nun!. "Firstly, we can't do it if your married, because I won't commit Adultery, Secondly, It has to be anal sex, because I want to die a Virgin!." "The bus driver says, "Ok" and they clamber up the stairs and get down to it!.
When it is all over, though, the driver is racked with guilt!.
"I'm sorry Sister,but I have a terrible confession-- I am married with three kids!."
"Awww don't fret Mr Driver," says the nun, sympathetically!.

"I have a confession too, I'm on my way to a fancy dress party and my name is Kevin!."Www@Enter-QA@Com


Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Very funny joke lol!.
Have a star :)Www@Enter-QA@Com

hahaha!!! that fits my friend in so many ways!.!.!. lol!.!.!.!great!Www@Enter-QA@Com

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