Good April Fools Jokes!?!!?!?!

Question: I really need some good april fools jokes I can play on my friends, family, or anyone! thanks

Answers: I really need some good april fools jokes I can play on my friends, family, or anyone! thanks

here are some:
-loosen the tops on the salt and pepper shakers, or anything else that you're going to use.
-put clear plastic wrap in between the toilet bowl and the seat.
-poke holes in all the straws
-find really simple riddles that seem hard but are actually really easy, and tell them to all of you family. (if they don't get it then they'll feel very stupid, and i know, this one isn't very good)
-Tape down the phone button on the mark's phone. When they pick up the receiver it will keep ringing. Call in the middle of the night and pound on the door yelling "Answer the phone!" Use this along with hidden alarm clocks and coordinate the time, such as 2:30 am and pound on the front door, back door and have the phone ringing as well as the hidden alarm clocks.
-Here's a simple prank that is always good for some cheap laughs. Place an object on the floor where you know someone will bend over to pick it up. This object could be a book, an important looking envelope, a purse, etc. Position yourself nearby with some scraps of cloth that tear easily with a noisy rip. You can also use a strip of velcro to create the tearing sound. The prank is simple. Just wait until the mark bends over to pick up the object. As with many pranks, the timing is critical. At the precise moment that the mark bends over, rip the cloth. You'll be surprised at how many people reach around immediately checking for rips.
-Fill some disposable cups about halfway with confetti (or paper, or whatever.) Turn off the ceiling fan. Gently lay the cups (on their sides) on top of each of the fan blades. Tape or rubber-band them in place. Wait for someone to turn on the fan!
-This is an old trick, but it always works. Glue a quarter to the ground at the mall or on a busy sidewalk. Epoxy works the best, but takes some time to set up. Cover the coin with a traffic cone, plant, or other object while the glue cures. Once it's ready position yourself to enjoy the spectacle of suckers trying to pick up the money. You will notice different styles, i.e. the cool and casual pick-up, the frantic and deliberate attempt, the half-hearted try, etc.
-This is a trick you can pull with the sprayers that are on sinks on pull-out hoses. Put a rubber band or piece of tape around the lever so that it's locked the "on" position. Aim it towards where you're standing, to where you want it to hit the victim. The next person to turn the water on will get sprayed.
-This is an oldie but is still always good for a laugh. Un-tuck the bed sheet at the foot of the bed. Pull it up about a third of the way towards the head of the bed and tuck it back in. When the mark slides into bed he won't be able to stretch his legs out, sort of like he jumped into a baby's bed.
-Here's an obnoxious little prank known as "the sneeze". It's always good for a cheap laugh and it's harmless. Cup some water in your hand. Now sneak up behind your victim and sneeze loudly. At the same instant splash water on the victim's neck. They will be disgusted to think that you slobbered all over them in such an uncouth manner.
-Take a harboiled egg with you to the supermarket. Then switch that egg with an egg from a carton in the supermarket fridge.
-Play with your food; to add effect, act like it's a special performance for the people at the next table.
-Call a random number and tell him you are calling from the local video store. Tell him his video rental "Girls Gone Wild" is overdue and needs to be returned ASAP!
-Call a random number or a number of someone you know (works best if it's a guy) and say something like this: "Hi, this is Victoria from Victoria's Secret, and we wanted to let you know about our sale, so make sure you bring in all your coupons because if you bring in all of them you get a free bra!"
-Gather up a group of friends for this one. One after another you and your friends call the victim and ask him if Ronald is there (or some other creative name). Everytime he says, "No you have the wrong number" another friend calls back asking for the same name. After the victim gets really annoyed, you then call him and tell him that you are Ronald and ask him if anyone has been calling for you.
-Take some nail polish and coat a bar of soap with it. Let it dry. Then put it in the bathroom shower. When your victim tries to use it, he or she will go nuts trying to get it to lather up.


1. Grab a bunch of alarm clocks, set them to alarm at very early times in the morning and hide them all around different places at your victim's room!
2. Take a Woopie Cushion to school and put it in the teachers desk
3.say you just won the lotto and your gonna do a party.*

dat chick tia wow all of them made me laugh lol

Pick someone and laugh every single time they say something. You'd be surprised how paranoid they get.

wat the 1st person sed

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