Is my sense of humor dry?!

Question: I was walking towards west bound, on my side of side walk, I was lone walker, I noticed lots of runner passing by me towards opposite direction, They all had numbers on their shirts, I noticed table with people handing out drinks, I noticed a man standing in intersection,holding traffic, so I approached him with frightened look and asked him, Is there danger up ahead of me that I should know about? I just got blank stare,
Do I need to work on my humor more? What do you think?

Answers: I was walking towards west bound, on my side of side walk, I was lone walker, I noticed lots of runner passing by me towards opposite direction, They all had numbers on their shirts, I noticed table with people handing out drinks, I noticed a man standing in intersection,holding traffic, so I approached him with frightened look and asked him, Is there danger up ahead of me that I should know about? I just got blank stare,
Do I need to work on my humor more? What do you think?

Okay ....i'm the only one here laughing!!!

that was funny... so what did the cop say?

maybe its just late.... but I found that VERY humorous!!!

Um yes work on it

i dont get it ;-(

yeah..... an old man farting is funnier than that

yes.. people don't like when you make fun of runners

There was supposed to be humour in that? I don't get it...

sry 2 burst ur bubble...but yea. u kinda need 2 work on it a little more

Yep your humor is very dry.

lol he probably didn't get it.. but the the look you gave him was funny.

you are an efffing RIOT!!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

This joke needs to be less obvious. Already from the first sentence I know there is a foot race or marathon of some sort happening.

Try and be more abstract and not state the obvious, try to keep it simple so people won't have to think too much about what you're saying and keep the punchline snappy.

It seems like you could be good at observational humour because you notice many things around you. If you want to joke about a marathon, say something like - "Don't you hate marathons? Why would I want to run around to break into a heap of sweat when I could just sit around in a sauna for a few hours. Some people try too hard."

its dryer than the sahara desert in july!

I thought it was very funny, and would love to know what the reply was that you got...

If this is something you really did, Then no it would have been funny as hell to do. But if its a joke please explain where the joke is. But in reality funny as hell.

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