I aint touching it!!!!? hehe?!

Question: An armless man in a long jacket walks into a bathroom and stands by a urinal...

Soon seeing he needs help to use the toilet he asks a closeby man, " Can you help me point my penis" ?

The man reluctantly accepted but, decided not to look at the mans penis. After a few seconds of holding it he thinks, " Hey! I'm grabbing it right"? " So I should look, I have a right"!

He looks down at the mans member and sees that is beyond hidious. Startled he jumps back and lets go, asking. " What the hell is wrong with it ?"

The "armless" man pulls his arms out of his jacket and says "I dunno, but, I ain't touchin' it." and walks away.

Answers: An armless man in a long jacket walks into a bathroom and stands by a urinal...

Soon seeing he needs help to use the toilet he asks a closeby man, " Can you help me point my penis" ?

The man reluctantly accepted but, decided not to look at the mans penis. After a few seconds of holding it he thinks, " Hey! I'm grabbing it right"? " So I should look, I have a right"!

He looks down at the mans member and sees that is beyond hidious. Startled he jumps back and lets go, asking. " What the hell is wrong with it ?"

The "armless" man pulls his arms out of his jacket and says "I dunno, but, I ain't touchin' it." and walks away.

lol thats funny on so many levels! A true jaw-dropper!

Funny and Eww. Gross humor.

hell nah..... i am gonna puke... lmao though

Oh my god - that is hideous!



Thank you for delivering the Lulz

omg ewwww

lol hahahahahahaha!!!

HAHAHA, thats SO funny. I almost fell outta my chair!

It's okay..

that is really gross!!!

Good one! LOL

Hehehe, very funny !!! Any more jokes?

ha ha ha

A disgrace to humor - have a star

ewww gross

funny! but nasty! ha!


Ew that's distusting man!


Cant Tough this............

Hammer Time....



i think that's my ex you're talking about....?

ha ha ha funny
thanks for a laugh

please answer

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