Question: * After you request s*x she replies, "Wait 'til the Nyquil kicks in."

* Gets very upset when the ashtray falls off your as*.

* Actually answers when you ask, "Who's your daddy?"

* Last time she screamed during s*x was the first time she won at solitaire.

* Only moans during commercial breaks.

* Starts her fake org**ms during fo**play.

* Keeps trying to set you up with her friends.

* Runs for vacant Senate seat in New York.

* You are currently sitting backstage at the Springer show.

* Beginning to think she is only "playing" dead.

* During the act, she actually yelled out, "Oh, Baby, Yadda, Yadda, Yadda."

* Has suddenly started making you pay in advance.

* Her moans of delight discovered to actually be a .wav file.

* Instead of asking to leave her shirt on, she wants to leave her pants on too.

* Keeps asking, "Are you sure you're not gay?"

* Boredom? So that's why she keeps deflating.

Answers: * After you request s*x she replies, "Wait 'til the Nyquil kicks in."

* Gets very upset when the ashtray falls off your as*.

* Actually answers when you ask, "Who's your daddy?"

* Last time she screamed during s*x was the first time she won at solitaire.

* Only moans during commercial breaks.

* Starts her fake org**ms during fo**play.

* Keeps trying to set you up with her friends.

* Runs for vacant Senate seat in New York.

* You are currently sitting backstage at the Springer show.

* Beginning to think she is only "playing" dead.

* During the act, she actually yelled out, "Oh, Baby, Yadda, Yadda, Yadda."

* Has suddenly started making you pay in advance.

* Her moans of delight discovered to actually be a .wav file.

* Instead of asking to leave her shirt on, she wants to leave her pants on too.

* Keeps asking, "Are you sure you're not gay?"

* Boredom? So that's why she keeps deflating.

Oops looks like your watching us. LMAO !!!!!

Have you been to my place?

Where do u people get this stuff?I love it.

So it was you peeking through my curtains!!!!!


this from your personal experience or you been seeing my wife ? lol

lol true yes!
i like: * Her moans of delight discovered to actually be a .wav file.

I've deduced that I'm safe for now thanks to you, just for that you get a star!

Ok better shut my blinds then. LMAO LOL !!!

You must have been reading my mail

Hahaha you are so funny lol

ha ha ha funny

haha i've ALMOST done some of those

good 1's lmao 10/10 x

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