Joke i heard at school?!

Question: ok i heard this joke at school star if u like it i dont really like it but o well

boy:mom why did you name me apple???
mom:when u were born i droped an apple on your head

other boy:mom why did you name me orange???
mom:when you were born i dropped an orange on you

crippiled boy:*moans*
mom:shut up fridge

Answers: ok i heard this joke at school star if u like it i dont really like it but o well

boy:mom why did you name me apple???
mom:when u were born i droped an apple on your head

other boy:mom why did you name me orange???
mom:when you were born i dropped an orange on you

crippiled boy:*moans*
mom:shut up fridge
hahahahah lmao funny 10!! enjoy a star!!
It's ok, but not great.
heard it before, albeit a slightly different version.

Three daughters were talking to their mother.
The first daughter asks:
"Mom, why did you name me Rose?"

"When you were born, a rose-petal fell on your head."

The second daughter asks:
"Mom, is that why you named me Daisy?

"Yes, when you were born, a daisy petal fell on your head."

The third daughter speaks:
"gRr mufglaba?"

"That's right, Cinderblock."

I messed it up a lil from when I first heard it, but that's about what it was.
omg i love this one ahahah.
Lol I liked that never heard that before,here have a star.Thanks again for the smile.
* haha LoL Nice one *

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