I know this is going to sound silly but what aspects makes someone ugly?!

Question: I know this is going to sound silly but what aspects makes someone ugly!?
The same things that make one pretty but when they occur from ugly planets in weak conditions!. Mars and Saturn tend to generate asymmetry (thus "ugliness") unless they are in special situations or under special benefic influences!. So if you have a strong mars or saturn afflicting certain parts of the body you get "ugliness" there!. Of course you have to know which houses and signs correspond to which parts of the body!. As a basic intro to that topic, start with the 1st sign and house as the hair and work your way down till the 12th are the feet!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

As in *physically* ugly!? There are several things too look for!.

You will have to interpret the Ascendant, Sun, AND Moon sign of a person TOGETHER!. You will find that the person is a good mix of all three!. Just like each sign of the zodiac, each planet is also assigned it's own set of characteristics it rules, including physical features it has influence on!. As to whether you find those features attractive or "ugly" is up to you!.

ASCENDANT & SUN: It is widely believed that the ascendant of a person has great influence over specific facial and bodily features!. My Ascendant and Sun are both in Scorpio, and people guess my sign right away because, they say, my eyes are stereotypically Scorpio-- deep and penetrating!. The position of the SUN in the person's chart often sheds light on the persona a person WANTS to be perceived as, as well as sharing influence over the person's physical features with the Ascendant Sign!. Neither one ever seems to dominate influence over the other!

MOON: The position of the MOON in the person's chart influences physical features with more subtlety than the Ascendant and Sun!. I find the Moon is perceived more via the person's personal style of dress!. Their taste in clothing, hairstyle, accessories, etc is a reflection of their Moon Sign!.

For instance, someone born with an ASC/SUN in Virgo has their MOON in Libra!. Virgo's aren't necessarily known to be great beauties of the zodiac the way the Venus-ruled planets of Taurus and Libra are!. So say that the ASC/SUN Virgo girl was born with naturally curly, frizzy hair as her physical feature!. More often than not, frizzy hair is detested by most girls, and HER hair will be perceived by others as unattractive!. If her moon were in Virgo as well, she'd probably be apt to leaving her hair that way, or simply straightening it for the sake of looking clean, without ever trying to do anything really fancy or 'pretty'!.
BUT, because her MOON is in the refined sign of Libra, she will most likely perceive her hair as unattractive and will not only straighten it, but will go to certain extremes to make her hair, not just decent, but gorgeous!

My example is rather subjective, but I'm merely trying to show you how each planet/sign combination has specific influences over a person's physical features!.


VENUS: Something else you might want to look into is the VENUS sign in the chart!. Venus rules each individual's interpretation of BEAUTY!. When you want to know what a man finds beautiful/attractive in a woman upon first impression, look at his Venus! Likewise for women:)!. The Venus can be interpreted with the MOON sign to give even better depth on what a person finds beautiful, and way upon which the person goes about seeking beauty in herself and in others!. (Judgmental, much!?)

SUN ASPECTING FIRST HOUSE: Gives a person an even stronger appearance with an almost intimidating "air" about them!. Many people with SUN CONJ!. ASC!. or SUN in FIRST HOUSE are perceived as quite attractive! They will also try a little bit harder to impress people because their own standards of themselves are quite high!.

Likewise, SUN in the 12th HOUSE tends to be a person who doesn't care too much about his appearance, or what other people think of him!.

ASCENDANT/SUN ASPECTING 7TH HOUSE: This is automatic pretty-points!. This person will have natural grace and eloquence in their manners, especially it is a conjunction!.

Likewise, if the ASC/SUN are SQUARE the 7th house, the person might find that they simply weren't born with that natural beauty that other people might have!. It can always be fixed though, and you should also read other aspects in the chart!.


*Please note that CONJUNCTIONS, followed by SQUARES, are much more powerful and influential than TRINES/SEXTILES in the aspects I have listed in this post! This is because conjunctions build upon and MAGNIFY that specific sign's traits in a person!

For more information on physical appearances of each sign and more aspects to look for, I've enclosed the following site!Www@Enter-QA@Com

What do you mean ugly!? As in attractiveness!? Hmm I don't think that would apply to natal charts, only beautiful people!. You are an ugly person by genetics!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

god i was just thinking this today!!
or what would make someone beautiful, i guess alot of it will be to do with aspects to venus, mars or pluto!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

In someone birth chart is that possible!? I think that someone is ugly when they laugh and make fun of other people, Think they are better or beautiful then others!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Bad attitude

Lol! that is not astrology thats genetics :P
i know this is not the answer you want to hear, but its true! :)

evil motivesWww@Enter-QA@Com

Rising sign in a earth/water sign is less good-lookingWww@Enter-QA@Com

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!.!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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