Do you get embarrassed easily? ?!

Question: Do you get embarrassed easily!? !?
or does it take A LOT to make you want to run and hide!? Ha!

Do you embarrass your friends and family!? Do you do it for fun!?

What's your Sun, Moon and Rising!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

I embarrass myself just for the hell of it sometimes!.
It makes people laugh and then they pay attention to me LOL

And I love embarrassing my friends and family, then they can share the spotlight too!.

Like today in Spanish, I made a complete fool out my friends and myself during this skit we had to do!.
What the hell that means is the real question though LOL

Gemini Sun
Libra Moon
Cancer RisingWww@Enter-QA@Com

Hey thinNtall =) I get embarrassed really easily and my family gets a kick out of doing the embarrassing!. My mom makes a point of buying me umm adult novelty gag gifts and cards for my birthday and waits till there's a room full of people for me to open it up!. Four birthdays in a row now and counting =) Last year was a silver [guess what]!. If I embarrass myself I usually recover pretty quickly unless I've slipped up and said something hurtful or inappropriate to the point of causing an awkward silence!. Then I shut the hell up until the attention is off of me!.!.lol!. I've only embarrassed my friends in a playful way, nothing that they wouldn't find funny themselves =P

No problem =)Www@Enter-QA@Com

It depends!.!.!.!.If it is all in good fun then I blush a little and make a joke out of it - laugh it off and keep going!.!.!.!.
If someone is intentionally trying to be mean and embarress me - I get angry - will still try to have a little fun with it and laugh it off! But if it keeps on and on - I will more than likely say what I think to the person trying to be mean and/or intentionally turn the tables and focus on them a bit until they grow tired of being humiliated!.!.!.which they will have done to themselves - I just spotlight them!
If it is something really 'stupid' - I usually bust a gut and laugh at myself before anyone else even knows what is going on - lol - I'm pretty fun loving - if it is all in good fun and sport - no worries - as soon as someone is trying to be rude or mean about things I will reverse it quickly and easily! ;)
Sagittarius sun
Capricorn rising
Scorpio moonWww@Enter-QA@Com

Only when I meet a guy I am attracted to - I can get shy/embarrassed - Oh garsh!.!.!.

I don't think it is nice to embarrass someone (unless they like it -lol)

I think I have done too much public speaking to be embarrassed enough to run and hide (!?!?), I know how to laugh at my self and be a stand up comedian if I do something ridiculous in front of people (even large audiences) and turn it around so all is good!. Hey we are all human - live with it or get off the planet (oops - forgot I am an Alien)


Hmm!.!.!.!.It depends!. I am a pretty confident person, and I normally don't care what people think about my behavior, however I do embarrassed if I feel that I come across as ignorant or lacking in the mental department!. I hate to be seen as stupid or unintelligent!. If I make a careless mistake about something I should know, I get so flustered, I try to figure out a way to make up for it and hope the person I'm speaking with will forget!.!.!.The worst is when someone makes fun of me for it, and I really get sensitive!.!.!.

Libra Sun and Rising, Cancer MoonWww@Enter-QA@Com

I can get embarrassed really easily if you know the right thing to say to me! :p If I say or do something stupid or someone makes a joke about me I will almost definitely blush but usually I join in with the making-fun-of-me anyway!.

I don't purposely try to embarrass anyone else but I do like to tease people I don't think they get embarrassed (I hope not anyway :s )

Gemini sun
Cancer moon
Virgo risingWww@Enter-QA@Com

Sometimes if I'm caught off guard!. I can be naive!. So at times I'll say or do something not realizing the sexual overtones!. When someone calls me on it, I turn bright red and say that wasn't what I meant at all!. Freud would have a field day with me!.

Virgo/Leo/Leo Www@Enter-QA@Com

at the time no,
i will laugh it off,
make a joke out of it, but when i get home i will think of hoe emberrasing it was,
scorpio sun
rising gemini,
moon in aquaWww@Enter-QA@Com

YES! I get embarrassed so easily! I always blush haha!. No I don't want to run and hide but I do blush haha!. I ALWAYS embarrass my friends and family because I am loud!.

don't know about my sun moon sign thing


yes, i do! i would love to hide but sometimes you can't even find a place to hide!.

libra sun, libra moon and scorpio rising!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Sun - taurus
Moon - Virgo
Ascendant - scorpio

!.!.!.and Id say on adverage, but i usually cover it up!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Hey there!.!.!.!.I don't get embarrassed easily lol!.!.!.!.Yeah it takes a lot to make me run and hide!.!.!.then again all you have to do is bring my ex around and man i'm gone lmao jk jk!.!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

i get very easily embarrased!.!.!.!.!.!. i can't hide it and when i can't stand i behave pretty odd!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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