WHy is this virgo male acting this way?!

Question: WHy is this virgo male acting this way!?
We've been going out for months ( not serious or anything), but lately he seems to be very sensitive to my feelings, not that I'm an emotional, and I'm FAR from demanding or overly sensitive!. For example, he's sure to acknowledge something little I've done for him,(like offer him a piece of cake) even days later!.( doing that a lot lately) also, all of the sudden, when we go out to eat, he'll ask me what I'm getting so when the waitress comes, he orders for me!.
What's gotten into him!?

(I'm a capricorn)Www@Enter-QA@Com

im virgo
virgos are not that emotional unless they care about someone!. he is in love with you, thank goodness virgos are the most faithful in the zodiac, not into cheating (I'll have to say most not all)!. capricorns are known to have dry emotions!. capricorn is said to be the best match for virgo being the most compatible!. In my personal opinion Im not into capricorns, I get along with them but I wont like to date one!. I rather stick with geminis or scorpios, which are very attractive to my eye!. I met this capricorn guy once, and he liked me, as well I thought he was very attractive and cute!. we liked each other at first sight, but once I got to know him better, he was too serious and dry!. Im not saying that all capricorns are like this but virgos are more sensitive and emotional than capricorns!. you are lucky to have a virgo in love with you!. yes, we do tend to fall in love very fast if we really like that certain person, but once they disappoint us with negative actions we easily fall out of love as well, and its not our lose, but other people are missing out on virgos soft ways and caring attitude!. so be graceful, and if not satisfied, then get yourself a hardcore scorpio, which is only good for non-serious relationships and short flings, if that is your personal taste!. if you want commitment later on in life, then virgo it is, your life, your call!. good luck!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Virgoes tend to be very protective and caring of everyone around them!. I know, because I am one, and I get told sometimes that I am too clingy!.
I'm not usually into horoscopes, but the profiles are a lot more accurate than the future readings!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Virgos are very emotional Www@Enter-QA@Com

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