Why do all of the horoscope sites out there treat Virgos like morons?!

Question: Why do all of the horoscope sites out there treat Virgos like morons!?
I've been to several in the about the past month!. Every single one of them treat Virgos like they are retarded or introverts, or more likely both!.

"You will need some time to relax today!.!.!." "Time to kick off your shoes, and sit back and watch an old movie!.!.!." "Time for you to sit there, like a good little retarded introvert!.!.!."




Well, I'm Virgo!. I would love to sit back and watch an old movie today!.!.!. something with Cary Grant in it!. But there is no time to relax!. There is work to be done!.

I suggest you not go to those sites or read newpaper horoscopes!. They would tell you anything about yourself!. You need a more in depth analysis for that!. More than just Sun signs!. There is an entire universe for you to explore!. Try astro!.com for starters!. Put in your birth info including time and place!. Good luck!.

***edit-- A Virgo is anything but tame if she has some fire in her chart!. Sun sign generalities are for people too lazy to learn real astrology!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Well!.!.!. first of all!.!.!.
'Time to kick of your shoes and sit back and watch an old movie' does not really mean 'time to sit there like a good little retarded introvert'!.
I'd hate to have a conversation with you if you take something like THAT to be an insult!.

Anyway, horoscopes are stupid!. Don't read them!. But they say those kinds of things about EVERYONE of ANY sign - they all have that stupid, light-hearted attitude that treats everyone in a very base way!. They may say that particular type of thing more about virgos because virgos are superficially hard workers with a lot on their mind (which isn't really untrue)!. But, horoscopes are based on simple astrological stereotypes and are not representative of reality!.

Read about real astrology and maybe you'd learn about what 'virgo' really means!. You could learn a lot more about the rest of your chart too (and maybe why you take what you perceive to be condescending attitudes from idiot strangers as severe personal insults)!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

nothing wrong being an introvert!.
we can still be outgoing and popular thing is they always center the main attributes of virgos which is analytical and hardworker and an introvert!.
im a virgo and what they write in horoscopes is a quater of what i am!.
i much more complex than what they say about virgo!.
your right though the things they do right make us seem like old bags lolWww@Enter-QA@Com

Wow!. You're extremely ignorant yenyen!.

Well, to answer your question:
Lmao, you made me laugh!. Gee thanks!. Lol!.

Yea, I see what you're saying though!. They think that all we do is cleancleanclean, and that we've never experienced sitting in a chair before -!.-!. It does get a little annoying!. But, I don't believe in those horoscopes anyway!. I think that the real stuff lies in the more advanced Astrology!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

im virgo

I have to admit that you are those kind of annoying negative self-esteem virgos who critize every single little thing!. lighten up sit back and do watch a nice positve movie to sweetn your bitter life!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

if u permit me to say VIRGO is A sign of intellectual camouflage and the guys r not morons but CHAMELEONS but decency prohibits us to be that rude even morons r better !.hope it eases u Www@Enter-QA@Com

I guess that the stars all agree that Virgos are morons!. Either you believe that the "stars" are correct or you don't!. Www@Enter-QA@Com

maybe because they are!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Many times Virgos can be on the quieter side - "compared" to some of the other signs that is - until they really get to know someone and can trust them!. They definitely are not the first ones to walk in the door and scream party, like a Sag or Leo might (well, maybe with a few beers they will)!.

From my experience, Virgos do tend to get stuck in home bodied attitudes!. What people don't realize though is that there is a wild child behind the facade of every Virgo, they just don't show it to the whole world, like a Gemini would!.

Compared to other signs, the Virgo is pretty tame, which may explain why they get a bad rep!. But, Virgo is one of the signs that, for the most part, can get along with just about every other sign with no trouble!. Not many other signs can say that!.

I'm a Virgo and I personally like that thought of "Time to kick off your shoes, and sit back and watch an old movie!.!.!." lol!. Can it please, please be a zombie movie though!?!?

<Edit> Yamie - I don't believe the person who asked the question was asking why a person's "entire natal chart" gets a bad rep, they were asking why "Virgos" in particular get a bad rep!. Which I to have noticed!. Lazy my @ss!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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