Whats everyone up 2?!

Question: Whats everyone up 2!?
its 2 am here in NY n i cant sleep ;lWww@Enter-QA@Com

lol! you should just put a check mark next to the "allow other users to message" thing!. and its 12 here in california :p ooooh yay im going to my friends house tomorow with my bff! it so weird she's a cancer but she's a really good friend! my other friends a sag!. haha were going to 7-11 tomorow its like 80 degrees at noon so were getting slurpees lol!. were going before dance practice so it's kewl!. I WANT SUSHI THIS TIME! watsup with you!?

edit* and also im watching home improvement!. i personally dont like the show but im not watching its just on!. OMG brad was soooooooo cute when he was a kid! he still is but not as much anymore :[ the middle kid is BUTT UGLY!Www@Enter-QA@Com

its 4pm in australia
no sleep!?
i had that too
tossing and turning
gotta be the worst
especially if youre sleepyWww@Enter-QA@Com

It's just after 11 and I'm doing absolutely nothing!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

1:07 here!.!.!.!.bugging everyone on here!.!.!.getting their hopes up about me logging out (in their dreams) same old same old just another wednesday morning (lol) in hickey WI email me if your as bored as i am!

edit: love/hate relationship with leos!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

neither can i!. I had 2 bad days in a row!. because some girl keep telling me to call her but when I call she ignores my phone calls!. I seen her on yahoo messenger and she quickly like signed off!. and I felt like a stalker chick!. Which I feel like im too cute for!. But my coworkers said forget her!. move on!. So thats what im doing stressing about ppl!. huh!. go figures!. I wish i was in NY i would be out and about!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Take your @ss to bed!. You're always up :)

J/k I'm obviously always up too or I wouldn't be answering this question right now at 2:15 am!.

In the meantime, have a few laughs on me but not at my expense ;)


Sure tril, but I just took 2 benadryls about 30 minutes ago so if I start thyping lik thiis then you'll know what's up!.!.lol!.

To get some sleep man!. I've been up for a day and a half!. I have insomnia but I refuse to take some prescription sleep aid and have some big green neon butterfly coming in my room and landing on my head!. I'm scared of bugs :( I usually don't take anything at all but I need some sleep!.

LMFAO!.!.!.Oh God, my sleepiness is starting to show!. Time to hit the sack or in my case beat it up!. Cya later :)Www@Enter-QA@Com

hi people i live in newzealand and its 6:20pm here lol i dont stay up long LMAOWww@Enter-QA@Com

9:12pm jus put my son to sleep!.!.!.finally me time :{}Www@Enter-QA@Com

Everyone's time zone might be different!. It's way earlier here!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

me and my gf are about to take her daughter to the zoo, then the farm! a nice family day out :)

can i say also that it's great to see a topic where someones taking an interest in others and also replying to people as well, i think thats really cool :)


we're not going to the zoo, or the farm!. It's raining outside so the animals wont be out, and it would be nice to drag a 3 year old about places in the rain! Not drag, but ya know what i mean!. Now we're off out to my mums, see my mum get hyper with a kid in the house lol, pretty funnyWww@Enter-QA@Com

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