Should there be laws that protect the consumer from fraudulent Mediums and the l!

Question: Should there be laws that protect the consumer from fraudulent Mediums and the like!?
A law was passed over in Great Britain recently!.
Would a simular law be good for the U!.S!.!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

It would be good but you can still report them to the Better Business Bureau like any other questionable business!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

No, people just shouldn't be so naive and stupid!. Wake up!Www@Enter-QA@Com

It's kind of liking people who smoke, isn't it!?!!? They take a risk of being hurt!. :)Www@Enter-QA@Com

It would be very difficult to enforce a law against superstition !.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Yes there should, I have no problem with them taking money for entertainment, "You will meet a tall dark handsome stranger" etc!. but when they take money from recently bereaved people, I class them the same as grave robbers!.

I have answered a similar question (Best answer), and posed my own question on this new law, these links will same me re-writing them!.



No, that's really dumb!. Byt the way the only way you can truly trust a medium is if they don't charge money; it's just a thing they do!.

I think it would be most appropriate for newspaper horoscope columns, and their associated phone lines, to publish a "this is fiction/entertainment" message!.


How do you know when they are frauds!? It is just actually impossible to tell every single one of them apart from ones that are false!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Yes, it would be good anywhere!. Let us start by arresting Sylvia Browne and Montel who had her on his show often!. Any human with an IQ of 110 or more should know psychics are all frauds, but many people are not that smart!. I see some people say fools should not be protected, but I say everyone needs protection from criminals of all types, e!.g!. frauds who claim to be psychics and get rich from conning fools!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

this really reminds me of those places that are dangerous to swin in, then theres the sign "swin at your own risk"!. its kinda like that!. if people are really into the idea, let them take the risk!. let their judgment and their intuition guide them!. noone is forced to solicit such services!. like ive heard many British say, to each their own! and let me just add, theres much bigger problems that are greater cause for concern, wouldnt you say so!?!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

No the good ones would be affected and inconvenience!. One just should be careful not too nigh eve about things! There are scams in pretty much every field no sense putting laws on everything!.!. Britain went too far!Www@Enter-QA@Com

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