What's the worse thing you've ever said to your mother or father?!

Question: What's the worse thing you've ever said to your mother or father!?
me-"I'm not your friend anymore"

I knew I would get spanked so it never got past that!.!.!.I think I called my dad a fat head once too!.!.!.disrespect wasnt a big thing after I was 10!.
Anyway, what's the worse thing you've ever said to your mother or father!?
be honest!.
we're online!.
we don't really know eachother!.
no one knows you if it's really bad!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

One time when my mom and I were in a violent fight, I actually grabbed one of the big steak knives in the kitchen, and told her that I could kill her if she made me angry enough!. Boy did that not go over well!.!.!.But we get into fights so often, I can't even remember all of the things I've said!. Telling her how insecure she was, and cursing at her, and telling her that I hate her and the whole family and they should all die!. But you know, in spite of how bad this sounds, we actually get along very well!. We're one of those families that threaten and scream, but get our anger out and find peace!.Www@Enter-QA@Com



And then I walked out the door and haven't spoken to them since!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I called my Mom a b****!. PiscesWww@Enter-QA@Com

prolly a ******* a *****Www@Enter-QA@Com

i deeply regret everything bad ive said to my mom!. im scared of my dad lol, ive never said much to him, but i did say to him "go to f'ing hell"!. but about my mom, id rather not even mention it!. ive raised my voice at her, and ive given her a hard time by neglecting my responsibilities!. im just glad ive never raised a hand on her, and i never will!. shes the only woman who has permission to hit me!. im making the best of having her while i still do!. and i have so much guilt when i treat her bad by raising my voice and taking her for granted!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

It was 10 years ago when I go so irritated with my parents because I didn't get to go to college which I really wanted to enroll in, so I screamed at them, "You don't care for me!" Besides that, there were many uncountable events where I have been rebellious, naughty and even argued with them!.

But looking back now, I realized how foolish I was and I wished I never said or done something that!. More importantly now, I didn't pay enough attention that they have groomed me into a fine person that I am now, and there's no way I can repay them even in a million lifetimes!.

Thanks mom; thanks dad!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

F*** off!.!.!.


Im a pisces, and my dad's a leo!.

I told him, "I wish you weren't my dad!." I felt so bad afterwords!.
I can't believe that came out of my mouth, I was extremely mad!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

"I should have never been born!."

as a first born, it can be really taxing especially on your mental and psychological self when your parents constantly depend on you to be an adult at the age of 11!.!.!.

my puberty was relatively uneventful (except for my extreme need of privacy and excessive amount of sleep), but i was moody as hell (scorpio moon out of control) and sometimes, i really felt the world was out to get me, including my parents!.

so i screamed that out a few times!.!.!. while we were arguing!.!.!. they made sure i didn't say it again!.!.!. i don't now!.!.!.!. for the safety of my being!.!.!. ^^;;;Www@Enter-QA@Com

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