How does a Scorpio who practices self-control learn to get rid of jealousy and g!

Question: to bring out the good qualities. I've always been practicing on eliminating the bad, I'm not as manipulative, although I can be. I'm pretty good at controlling my temper a lot more. But whats always bothering me is I'm having very hard time of eliminating feelings of jealousy, and unnecessary grudges.

What can I do to practice getting past this?

Answers: to bring out the good qualities. I've always been practicing on eliminating the bad, I'm not as manipulative, although I can be. I'm pretty good at controlling my temper a lot more. But whats always bothering me is I'm having very hard time of eliminating feelings of jealousy, and unnecessary grudges.

What can I do to practice getting past this?

thats great for you man, i like what your doing making yourself better as a person.

for a scorpio its only in your nature to remember things, you dont fight it or ignore it coz that can be the root of evils, remember it, but it doesnt always have to be in a negative thought, thats whats making you hold grudges, use that energy and intensity to benefit you and not destroy you, im sure if you can hold grudges youll have more than enough determination to figure this one out. no one can really tell you how to do it, youll figure it out yourself in your own terms.
you seem really eager and something in you wants you to change, so i think its only a matter of time before you can.

one of my favourite quotes

"grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference"
- St. Francis

Try to detach and observe the emotion instead of letting the emotion control you. Also accepting fully that the feeling is there instead of trying to fight it. Which doesn't mean you have to actually act on the feeling. Don't judge yourself for feeling what you feel.

First of all, congratulations on recognizing and deciding to act on your failings! I admire your efforts!
praying and meditation can help you overcome.Also if you think about people who are in very bad situations like chronic illness or severe poverty you will feel grateful for your life and overcome negative feelings!

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