Whats a polar opposite?!

Question: im on the cusp of aquarius/capricorn. what is my polar opposite? Does that mean i feel magnatized when i meet them?

Answers: im on the cusp of aquarius/capricorn. what is my polar opposite? Does that mean i feel magnatized when i meet them?

I know that the polar opposite for Aquarius is Leo because our signs are exactly six positions away from each other and yes I feel very magnetized by them and vice versa. Polar opposites will have opposite traits but that will attract them even more so because what one lacks, the other one has. They balance each other out perfectly. In your case, your polar opposite would a person on the cusp of Cancer/Leo.

No a polar opposite is an analogy. It is comparing the opposite hemispheres of the equator (The North and South Poles) to two different peoples personalities. It means you are completely different (opposite) from each other.

your other sign

Polar opposite is the sign opposite your Sun or rising sign. Their are a lot of similarities in polar opposites.

Aries is rash and so is Libra. But the difference is that Libra is diplomatic about it.

Gemini is the intellectual sign, whereas Sagittarius is the higher education.

These are just examples. Whatever the opposite sign is will just be a complimentary of what you already have but expressed differently.

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