Guys, what do you think of Taurus women?!

Question: ???

Answers: ???

They are very beautiful and have a keen wit.

haha, i'm a Taurus. :]

Be afraid, be very afraid

outgoing,and will be a great pair with virgo

Taurus are good looking as all earth signs for that matter. I love their down-to-earth attitude. They are more romantic than passionate but that's okay.
They are direct and rarely do they change their opinions. They're too cautious, especially when faced with new ideas and situations.
Try to convince a Taurus once their mind are made up about something. Good Luck. It's much easier to get a red cape out and flag it in front of their face to get a response.
But, I love them. do i have a choice ? I am Libra and we both have the same ruling planet.

I'm a Taurus girl, but we're creative and fun loving!

I'm tempted to say they're full of bull, but that would be untrue as I can't think of any Taurus women I know off the top of my head.


The most beautiful Ladies I hv ever seen:)

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