Taurus male and Gemini female?!

Question: Are there any success stories from these 2 signs or is it bound to end in a break up?

Answers: Are there any success stories from these 2 signs or is it bound to end in a break up?

I'm a Gemini and my husband's a Taurus. We've been together for 23 VERY happy years and still going strong.

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They do the I am...my lover is...and it's really accurate. Also, if you do it the vice versa way, too, you can get a different aspect.

I have known of several Taurus male/Gemini female couples and each have turned out in a very explosive and disastrous way. It usually involves cops, domestic violence and a long drawn out divorce in which the Taurus runs all over the feelings of the Gemini and ends up taking everything from her except the clothes on her body at the time. Then, after he's trashed her, he'll call her and text her and email her, trying to get her back, only so he can dump her again. This is a lethal combination and if I were a Gemini female, I'd run as fast as I can to get away from any Taurus male, unless she loves high drama and seeing the police a lot.

give up now it will never work

Taurus Man & Gemini Woman
You will bore the Gemini to tears. The sex is great but the conversation is all bull. (Source: AquarianAge Romance )

This can be a tempting match for Gemini girls but it’s one that rarely works out. A Taurus boy may seem very charming to you at first. He is fascinated by your energy and he admires your outgoing nature and confident style. You’ll be flattered by the attention. Unfortunately, Taurus boys are very possessive and what first seemed cute and bubbly to him about you will soon start to threaten him. He’ll get jealous and start demanding that you settle down and stop being so wild... and you’ll say see you later. He’s just not up to the kind of lifestyle you need to be happy. Not a good love match. ( Source: Jellybean's Astro-Soulmate Guide )

Gemini girl may love the steady companionship of Taurus the bull. Although he's not always on time for dates, he remembers important things like your favorite songs, food, and your little sister's name. However, you may find in the long haul, you move a little too quickly for Bull boy, and you might end up teaching him a thing or two about excitement and fun! ( Source: FUNgirl - Astrology )

Astrology is bunkum. It's human individuals who matter. There is exactly the same variety of individuals in the human population born in one month of the year as in any other month. Whether their love lives are successful or not is entirely up to the individuals concerned.

It's more than high time people started to accept responsibility for their own thoughts and actions, instead of abdicating that responsibity to religions, pseudo-sciences like astrology, or political parties, or local and national government.

Acording to astrology no but if you believe it'll work out then it will!!!

This relationship will either be wonderfully harmonious or it will be fraught with mutual frustration. Gemini can keep Taurus enthusiastic, but can also demand too much excitement. Taurus can offer a reliable emotional base to Gemini, but may also feel stifling to the Gemini desire for freedom.

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