Am I compatible with him?!

Question: I am a virgo born Sept. 6 1984 and he was born February 14 1982 are we compatible? I really like him..

Answers: I am a virgo born Sept. 6 1984 and he was born February 14 1982 are we compatible? I really like him..

If you like him, nothing written on paper will stop you. Like he said, horoscopes don't mean much. They're just a creation made up by some loner's mood on a lazy day that are said to make people feel bad about their life. Ignore it and get your man!

Horoscopes mean nothing. Live with it.

totally its meant to be! :D

Judge by his personality, not when he was born!

Use his personality to base your compatibility.

horoscopes dont matter just love him like his the one and only in ur life

girl, who cares if you're compatible with him! Geez, if you like him, go for it!!!! you know? while you still can!!! why waste time with 'what the stars' say????

That horoscope stuff is a buch of crap. If you like him than date him and dont worry about when he was born. I wouldnt date you already cause you sound wierd!!!!

Virgo and Aquarius love compatibility
Both are mental signs rather than emotional, but Virgo looks on the darker side of life while Aquarius is imaginative and optimistic. There is no strong sexual attraction between them. Aquarius needs activity, social events, a wide circle of acquaintances. Virgo enjoys a quiet existence with a few close friends. There will be neither especially strong excitation, nor interesting erotic games. The sober, practical Virgo is inclined to criticize the Aquarius' generosity. Their goals are very different: Aquarius wants to be as brilliant as possible; Virgo wants to be as efficient as possible. The marriage is possible in case they both have strong feelings towards each other.

Personally I don't believe in horoscopes, but I looked it up for you. They usually aren't correct...but I have a friend who swears by if you are one of those people there you go. Relationships are what you make of them...if you want to make it work...I'm sure you can.

horoscope wise- NO
your not compatible

Your best with Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo
Your good with Scorpio & Cancer

but it doesnt mean it wont work out
you never know...
if he likes u & u like him then who cares?

aquarius will get bored if you don't keep him busy doing things...he is very friendly and will have a lot of friends sooo if you are not controlling of others then go for it, cause it is very difficult to have a serious relationship with aguarius, he likes to have the freedom to be himself and will not allow anyone to stop him....
you can be compatible when dating but not really if you are planning on getting married, cause to marry an aquarius you would have to convince him you are the one..
good luck

Does he like you? That's the main thing. Aqua males are usually not to compatible with the meticulous Virgo females.

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