December 30th Males Only please?!


December 30th Males Only please?

I just became the girlfriend of one and wanted to know other's opinions
1. Your birthday
2. What you like in your girlfriends
3. What you don't like in your girlfriends
4. What you wish your girlfriends would do but you would NEVER tell them
5. What keeps you faithful
6. What pushes you to cheat
7. What you like/hate in bed


Yep, I'm a December 30th guy ( alot older than you I'm certain ) but I'll share some thoughts with ya.
1. Well you know the month and day, let's leave it at that '-)
2. My girlfriends were always pretty, outgoing, bright and quick witted. They had to have a good sense on humor since I'm a tease and like to play tricks etc... all in fun.
3. I NEVER liked girls who played games ( mind or heart ) and had little tolarance for self-centered, arrogant types. If she was already my girl, I gave plenty of space and expected the same respect.
4. More the typical 'girlie' things that drive guys mad but tolerate like being a bit late for appointments, killing me with phone calls or pushing friends I prefer to limit time with on me.
I always gave them space but after a while you both can expect a bit of mutual understanding.
5. I'm a faithful guy. Period. If I need to flirt or play around, I move on first, and I did that always in a polite gentle manner. I never 'dumped' anyone. Why hurt people you like or love.
6. See number 5 above. But I think the average guy is easily tempted by aggressive females who are not shy and are very flirtatious. Tons of that type out there.
7. In open-mindedness, experimentation, role playing and mutual knowledge of what each likes or does not.
Hate timidness ( not shyness! ), selfishness and bad habits.

Well that is at least a small summary of what I am about. But while I do believe the stars do guide us to a point, we make or break ourselves. We should only expect out of a relationship what we put into one. It's hard work to fully understand a person and to take the effort to change your own ways to meet them half way. Neither party should sell themselves out to the other's ways but also don't fail to be flexible. You'll both have tons of fun together.
I hope it works out for you. You seem interested and concerned about your relations and that's a great start! :-)
Proof.... I'm happily married for ....... ahem..... many years and have two terrific teen-aged daughters. Life is great.

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