What are the terms in fanfiction and also their meaning?!

Question: What are the terms in fanfiction and also their meaning!?
Well I always love reading fanfics and im a fan of anime so please help me!. tell what they are and their meanings!. Www@Enter-QA@Com

I'm not sure what you mean, but if you mean the terms fic writers put in their works!.!.!. i just know a few!.

R&R - Read and review!. All fic writers would want their readers to not only read their works, but also give reviews or comments on the work!. Reviews are needed so that the author knows on what to improve on!.

Beta - If i'm not mistaken, if someone betas your work he or she is going to 'edit' it, and go over it, checking for mistakes in grammar and spelling!. My friend's going to beta one of my works!.!.!. so i guess, that's what beta is!.

A/N - Author's notes!.!.!. some author's put stuff like this in the middle of the story to clarify some stuf fin the middle of the story!. but usually, i put it at the beginning or at the end!.

Disclaimer/s - It's in this part that the author says that (insert fandom/character's name here) does not belong to me!. It's just so that they won't get you for 'stealing' or something!.!.!.

*i actually forgot the rest!. But that's some of the stuff i know!. I hope it helps, and i'm glad that you appreciate the works you read! :DWww@Enter-QA@Com

to add to Paula C's list:

AU- I'm thinking it means Alternative Universe, but I'm not totally sure!.

OC- Other Character!. one not in the actual book the fanfic is based on!.

OOC- Out Of Character!. meaning the story's characters don't act the way they do in the original author's books!.

oneshot- the story is only one post long, so don't expect any updates or new chapters!.

crossover- mixing two or more books/series together!. It takes characters and settings for two different stories and puts them together!.

ff- usually an abbriviation for FanFictionWww@Enter-QA@Com

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