Incredible Hulk vs The Thing?!

Question: Incredible Hulk vs The Thing!?
who would win in a fight out of the Marvel characters!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

The Hulk and The Thing have fought, on and off, since "Fantastic Four" # 12 (first series) in 1963, but the Thing usually has the rest of the Fantastic Four or at least one other hero to help him!. Usually the fights have been interrupted by something or another, and the Hulk escapes!. A few times, the Hulk has decisively defeated the Thing before he runs away, but not as often as you might think!. In "Fantastic Four" #25 (1965) both the Fantastic Four and the Avengers (Thor, Iron Man, Giant-Man, Captain America, and the Wasp) dog-piled on the Hulk, but he still managed to escape; the Thing bore the brunt of that battle and was still on his feet when the Hulk fled!.

The Hulk has always been depicted as being stronger than the Thing, but the Thing has usually been shown to be much smarter than the Hulk (the few times the Hulk has had normal intelligence or even Bruce Banners intelligence are exceptions), which has allowed the Thing to almost hold his own against the Hulk!. If the two fought a decisive battle with no one interfering, the Hulk would eventually prevail!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Those two fight all the time, it was 50/50 when the characters started off back in the day!. But now Hulk always wins not much a contest anymore!. He's not as tough as thing but he's a lot stronger once he's angry and regenerates so even if hulk does get hurt it doesn't matter because he heals so fast it makes wolverine's look slow!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

These two had several fights over the years!. The Hulk always won because he can attain a higher level of strength!.

The exception to this was when The Thing had become exposed to an extra dose of radiation making his skin "spiky"; meanwhile, the Hulk had reverted to his gray form and was thus weaker!. Initially, The Thing won easily!.!.!.but in round 2 The Hulk won because of better strategic thinking!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Hulk is the strongest on the planet no doubt about that, it took all of the avengers to take him on!. He can get stronger when he gets madder so his strenght is limitless!. The Thing is already weaker than the calm hulk!. The fight goes like this; the Thing cracks too many jokes about the hulk which causes the hulk to get into a frenzied rage and pound the Thing into dust!. Bring out the dust pan!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

the hulk wins!. hes a lot stronger and continues to get stronger!.

the only reason the thing wins is cuz the other 4 members help him out!. All 4 have a better chance of beating the Hulk!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I'd say Hulk!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

The Thing's skin is in-penetrable where the Hulks is - so I pick The Thing!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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