NARUTO:Oodama Rasengan?!

Question: NARUTO:Oodama Rasengan!?
what manga chapter does naruto learn Oodama Rasengan / Wind ShurikenWww@Enter-QA@Com

Well they don't really show him acutely learning the Oodama Rasengan,they do give a flashback to where he is about to learn it,after that they show him using it!.

Oodama Rasengan:

Oodama Rasengan is an advanced Ninjutsu technique developed by Uzumaki Naruto!. This larger Rasengan uses a Kage Bunshin to form a more powerful version of the technique!.

He does use Oodama Rasengan during chapter 260 while using it to defeat the fake Itachi,that the real Itachi was using!.


Naruto Rocks!!!!!Www@Enter-QA@Com

It's unknown, but we do know that he learned it when he was travelling with Jiraiya!.

However, he first uses Fūton: Rasenshuriken in chapter 339!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

It doesn't show you when EXACTLY he learns it but it's first appearance is in Chapter 339 and it continues until 341!. Enjoy!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

It's called Fuuton Rasengan!.

Manga about 374Www@Enter-QA@Com

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