How do I write to Stan Lee?...?!

Question: If you guys read my last question I asked if anyone liked my comic idea and someone said I should write to Stan Lee, so how would I do that?

Answers: If you guys read my last question I asked if anyone liked my comic idea and someone said I should write to Stan Lee, so how would I do that?

Don't bother Stan Lee with "ideas." He isn't a publisher and he isn't an editor, so there's no way he would be able to help you even if thought you had a good "idea."

For that matter, don't bother anyone in the publishing community with ideas. If you're going to send anything, send a properly written one page query letter asking if anyone is interested in a proposal. First, however, figure out what you are proposing and do some research as to how to write the simplest, shortest, and most direct summary of your "idea," just in case someone does agree to look at a proposal.

Don't forget to list all of your previous publication credits, and/or reasons why anyone should think you have any business taking up any of their time. Mentioning that all your friends think you have great ideas counts against you.

Good luck, because you'll need it.

my brother in law's name is Stan Lee want his address???????

Contacting Stan Lee would not do anything to get you published an all honestly.

If your serious about getting your concept off the ground then you need to contact an editor at a convention, most likely for an independent company considering marvel and dc dont exactly just start publishing a character unless your an established comics creator.

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