Should Marvel Comics kill off Tony Stark / Iron Man?!

Question: I'll just leave it at that.

Answers: I'll just leave it at that.

I agree the movie looks great. As for offing Tony Stark, I've grown to really despise Tony Stark for all the things he's done leading up to and continuing in Civil War and various tie ins. I would like to see him not killed off but instead be slowly over time become a major villain. W/ his knowledge of S.H.E.I.L.D and the identities and habits of almost every hero in the Marvel universe, would make him probably the most dangerous and greatest villain of all time. I hope if they do this that it's actually Tony Stark and not a Skrull.

Saw previews to the Iron Man movie, doesnt look to bad at all.

Hell no. why kill shell head? The avengers need his leadership. And plus what would the Marvel universe be like with out having a flying tin can ard?

Should Marvel kill off Iron Man?

Well, clearly they are not going to kill him off before the movie hits, but here are a few thoughts:

Tony's actions during 'Civil War' seperated him from most of his long-time allies. More importantly, the situation placed him in a position of power, that of SHIELD director temporarily.

Now, with all of that being said, it has been revealed that a number of skrulls have replaced several Marvel heroes over the years, and are almost undetectable as skrulls. The skrulls have thwarted discovery by Wolverine, Professor X, and even through the more advanced means of detection.

So, perhaps Iron Man is a skrull. If so, then where is the real Iron Man?

Even if he is not, Iron Man should at least be humbled for his actions during 'Civil War'.

And the movie does look cool.

like all marvel characters with their own story line they die they come back
he has died at least 3 times and come back what makes you think this is any different

No they should not kill Iron Man, he is a very cool character. I think that it really needs some upgrades, to the suit, and maybe even a better storyline, and some one like him, to fight, I mean think about it how many times will you get your but whipped, before you get a suite of your own, and in that we would have a new villian.

I like Iron Man, and X-O Man of War.

Besides if you kill him, who would replace him the energizer bunny, I think not.

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