Does anyone else notice this when voting?!


Does anyone else notice this when voting?

Does anyone else notice that when you go through voting, even if the first answer is stupid, it seems to always have more votes? 9/10 times the first answer has most votes... do people go through these using the "go to another" button and just vote for the first and then go to the next? Something needs to be done about that if it is happening...

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3 days ago
F-uck you douches who think its because my answer didn't get picked. This is a legitimate question because I feel like a-ssholes are just flying through to grab points and I wouldn't want my question being voted on like that. I feel bad for the people who ask real questions and want a good answer. I was going through the "show me another" button and just noticed this. I didn't even answer the questions... f-uck you for being so godd-amn ignorant and asinine.


It's because people just want the 1 point for voting and don't give a damn about the actual content of the answer so they pick whichever one comes first. Yes, it bothers me very much.

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