Has Ron Paul ever told a lie?!

Question: I don't mean has he ever made a mistake like getting a number wrong when he's answering a question. I don't mean does he hold an opinion with which you disagree. I mean a deliberate, calculated LIE. Anyone?

Answers: I don't mean has he ever made a mistake like getting a number wrong when he's answering a question. I don't mean does he hold an opinion with which you disagree. I mean a deliberate, calculated LIE. Anyone?

He's extremeley dishonest in his silence. For instance, on the CNN youtube debates, he didn't say a single word about the gun issue when it was brought up.. Even if he's extremely pro-gun.

As for your question, why yes, he has.

One word: Evolution.

Who is Ron Paul ?

I dont know. Who is Ron Paul? Did you mean Rue Paul?

who cares, a rock has more personality than he does

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