Who's the redheaded girl who sings/plays the piano?!

Question: There's a music artist who has insanely red hair, and she sings and plays the piano. She was on Letterman recently, and I just can't for the life of me remember her name! But I really liked her music, and I really want to buy her cd if I only knew who it is!

Answers: There's a music artist who has insanely red hair, and she sings and plays the piano. She was on Letterman recently, and I just can't for the life of me remember her name! But I really liked her music, and I really want to buy her cd if I only knew who it is!

My guesses are Rilo Kiley (which is a band with a red-head female lead) or A Fine Frenzy. Both sing and play the piano.

sorry i dont know

maybe that sara chick did she sing a song about a love song?

It might be the girl from the band Paramore

Tori amos

tori amos- she's awesome!!!

Was it Sara Barielles? She sings that popular song "Love Song" that is all over the radio now. I'm sure that must be who it is!

There are a lot of red haired women musicians who play the piano. I am not joking. The only one I can think of right off is Tori Amos but I would have to of known the song that was sung on Dave Letterman.

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