Jonas Brothers: In or Out?!

Question: Whats your opinion on the Jonas Brothers (Kevin, Nick & Joe)?
Superficial? Music & Fans or Fame & Fortune? What do YOU think?

Answers: Whats your opinion on the Jonas Brothers (Kevin, Nick & Joe)?
Superficial? Music & Fans or Fame & Fortune? What do YOU think?


They have great style (they always dress really cool).
They truly have amazng talent (all 3 of them). From Joe's perfect rock voice to Nick's amazing vocals to Kevin's incredible guitar skills, the Jonas Brothers are awesome!
In addition, of course, they are super can you not love them? I don't really know.
In conclusion, the Jonas Brothers have a bright future and will continue to gain more and more fans that absolutely LOVE them (I mean seriously- LOVE them...=D)


in .I LOVE The Jonas Brothers.

In.They are the best!

Who? Sounds like a Hanson thing. I like real rock and roll for my money.

I haven't been impressed with what I've heard of their music but they must be on their way out considering that our local music station geared toward the 30+ demographic is hosting an acoustic evening with them. What teenybopper band could survive that?

I like them, theyre talented, and cuties.
Not as cute as Zac Efron, but still cute!

they will fizz out eventually... remeber when Raven and Hilary Duff were everywhere? not so much now..

Defiantly in!
I love the Jonas Brothers!
They are awesome.
And talented.
And funny.
And cute!



soooo in.

Nick Joe Kevin... <33

hhhhahhhhh. lol

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