Do you think clay aiken should have won amer. idol?!

Question: Yes, but Ruben is good so I guess it's fair. Anyway Clay is more successful, so it doesn't matter. They say the winner takes it all, but I think that sometimes that's just not the case.

Answers: Yes, but Ruben is good so I guess it's fair. Anyway Clay is more successful, so it doesn't matter. They say the winner takes it all, but I think that sometimes that's just not the case.

NO WAY!! Absolutely not


uh, no.

Uh no.

Who cares?

What the hell?
Is this still 2003??? Who cares?!

Who won instead? Ruben? Probably, wasn't Ruben a one-hit-wonder? The only Idols that actually went much further into the industry was Kelly, Carrie, and Daughtry, who didn't even win...

NO a thousand times no

American Idol became so nasty that I quit watching it. I loved it right at first but they got so nasty and out of control. Actually, because of the past couple of years television programs, I do not watch t.v. at night. Love Judge Mathis, and a couple of the Judges but cannot remember their names. Watch Judge Judy only because the other Judge program on at her time, is watched earlier in the day. Clay Aiken was a singer from many moons ago. Is this Clay Aiken related?

well if hes not smarter than a 5th grader then no way ho-say

sorry dont like him

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