HELP! I NEED A PIC OF MILEY CYRUS! crazy_blonde_babii, please answer!?!


HELP! I NEED A PIC OF MILEY CYRUS! crazy_blonde_babii, please answer!?

If Crazy_blonde_babii is on, answer this question. I need a picture of Miley cyrus when she was younger like 9 or something and she's in a pageant and she's like holding on to a pole. If you could give me a link to that pic, that would be awesome. I can't find it anywhere on google. Also, if you find RARE miley cyrus pics on like xanga (which crazy_blonde_babii is really good at finding) then please give me a link! You'll get best answer if you do both of those things. And anybody who don't like Miley, don't answer and leave right now. Also, fuzzy moo moo, don't answer. You're unwanted. THANKS!!


here you go i hope this is it

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