What kind of disease did director shepard have?!

Question: What kind of disease did director shepard have!?
I was watching the NCIS season finale from last season last night and Ducky said that she was already dieing!.He made mention of it taking her quickly and being very painful!. Im going to miss Lauren Holly I wonder why she left!. Thank you in advanceWww@Enter-QA@Com

At the end of the twelfth episode of season 5 it was left open to whether a mysterious blood test that was run belonged to director Shepard that showed elevated levels of creatine kinase, which is an indicator of Muscular Dystrophy, brain tumor, stroke, muscular injury, ALS, and myocardial infarction (heart attack)!. However, the scans looked at by Ducky in the same episode were somewhat mysterious as they were brain scans that were not indicative of the disease!. In the episode Judgment Day Part II, Ducky confided to Gibbs that perhaps Jenny dying in a shootout might have been preferable, as he stated her disease was terminal and the last few months of her life would have been painful (but not stating what that disease was)!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

She had some kind of disease, not sure!. But I did watch it last night and it was so sad!. I hate that she will be gone!. I hate the fact they broke up the team, but Gibbs is gonna try to get everyone back together!. What was that paper that the other director shredded!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

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