Has anyone ever won the million dollars on the "Are You Smarter Grader"!

Question: Has anyone ever won the million dollars on the "Are You Smarter Grader" TV Show!?
I keep watching this Are you smarter than a 5th grader tv show but i have never seen anyone win the million dollars, have you!?
Thanx 10 points best answerWww@Enter-QA@Com

Last time I watched it (kinda recent, last Thursday) a guy made it to the million mark, and they showed two other people who made it as far as he did but didn't get the million dollar question!. He decided to go for the question, but then the show ended and said to tune in next week!. They showed a commercial for next week, but it was a woman in the commercial, and she makes it to the million dollar mark too, and the host says you could be the first to win a million dollars!. So far, no one has yet to win the million dollars!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Not that I know of, not really, but alot of them reached the 500,000 dollars!.!.some of them took it and some of them got greedy to get the million and went baaaaaaaaaaaaaack to 25kWww@Enter-QA@Com

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