Does anyone know if "Toni's Young-Restless Spoiler Site" is shut d!

Question: Does anyone know if "Toni's Young-Restless Spoiler Site" is shut down!?
I've tried the website (http://www!.young-restless!.com), but it's not loading!. I'm not sure if it's been taken off the web or what!. Does anyone have any info!? Www@Enter-QA@Com

It is midnight eastern standard time and I just went there, and it came up fine for me!. I go there all the time, and in the past, it has had intermittent spurts when it goes down, but it has always come back up!. She has a great site and I love her forums more than any other!. If you still can't reach it, just keep checking back, I am sure you will be able to access it soon!. Like I said, it just came up fine for me :)

Good luck!

i can't get on either well here are some that i go to for info




i really hope this helps for now until your site is back and working!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I tried it and got a page suggesting other sites!. Clicked on http://www!.young-restless!.com/ and got the page to come up!. Hope that helps!. :~)Www@Enter-QA@Com

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