I missed ANTM last night! What happened?!

Question: Aimee was sent home. It came down to her and Claire for weakest photos of the week. The photoshoot was musical genres, each girl portrayed a different one (such as country, punk, R&B)

The episode started off with a lot of drama in the house. Claire, Whitney, Lauren VS Dominique. It was quite boring and not necessary.

Katarzyna rocked the photoshoot and Tyra told her she is getting a haircut to make her more edgy.

Anya won the challenge and posed nude on a bed for Nigel Barker.

Rumor is that Dominique and Stacy Ann are next on the chopping block.

Answers: Aimee was sent home. It came down to her and Claire for weakest photos of the week. The photoshoot was musical genres, each girl portrayed a different one (such as country, punk, R&B)

The episode started off with a lot of drama in the house. Claire, Whitney, Lauren VS Dominique. It was quite boring and not necessary.

Katarzyna rocked the photoshoot and Tyra told her she is getting a haircut to make her more edgy.

Anya won the challenge and posed nude on a bed for Nigel Barker.

Rumor is that Dominique and Stacy Ann are next on the chopping block.

This episode starts with Dominique's alarm clock going off sparodically throughout the night, irritating her roommates. Tension mounts when Lauren, Claire, and Whitney accuse Dominique for being a negative person, bringing Dominique to tears.

Tyra teaches the girls how to pose at the end of the runway. Banks also teaches the ladies how to pose while looking pained. She then declares a pose-off including the material learned, in which Anya impresses Tyra the most. The teach was actually a challenge, and Anya wins a chance to shoot a timeless nude photograph taken by Nigel Barker.

The photo shoot this week was embodying different genres of music. Whitney is commended for her photo, while Fatima is finally given approval for her range of poses. Katarzyna produces a good photograph while sporting a wig, which inspires Tyra to give her a second makeover. The other girls do fair - Dominique continues to improve while Stacy Ann is again criticized for being too "Model 101". In the end, it is Aimee and Claire who land in the bottom two.

Tyra commented that both girls have produced the best photos, but both fell flat this week. Aimee was criticized for not portraying her theme well, while Claire was too couture for her country music shoot. In the end, Tyra spares Claire, and Aimee is sent home

Aimee was aliminated, after being in the bottom two with Claire! I was surprised to see Claire there (especially after I heard she wins this season!)
It was a photo shoot where each girl had to portray a type of music. Claire looked hideous as the "country" theme. She has on a little blond curly wig, and I don't think she knew what to do with it! I am rooting for her, so I hope she does better next week.
Oh, and Anya won the posing challenge so she got a private photo shoot with Nigel...NAKED! She had to pose naked on a bed. It was a good episode. The rerun should be on Sunday night.

Thats the show run by an ugly tyra banks rite?
I hate it, sorry to say.

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