Status Quo gets to the top finals spot in America's Best Dance Crew?!

Question: I wanna hear some opinions. But personally, I think status quo doesnt deserve that top spot. I always thought Jabba and Kaba were going to battle it out in the finale but what a huge surprise, status quo somehow beats even jabbawockeez in votes!

This dance competition is suppose to highlight the quality of the dancing, choreography, intensity, and all the above. What status quo completely lacks is good choreography and any form of organization. All they seem to showcase are simple dance moves and then all those monotonous flips. This is a competition trying to find the best dance crew, not the most athletic crew.

I personally think Kaba shouldve gotten there as they seem to be almost perfect in every aspect esp isolations and i think they were the best in incorporating the themes into their dances. Although Jabba is still probably my top favorite. But that's all my personal opinion, what are yours?

Answers: I wanna hear some opinions. But personally, I think status quo doesnt deserve that top spot. I always thought Jabba and Kaba were going to battle it out in the finale but what a huge surprise, status quo somehow beats even jabbawockeez in votes!

This dance competition is suppose to highlight the quality of the dancing, choreography, intensity, and all the above. What status quo completely lacks is good choreography and any form of organization. All they seem to showcase are simple dance moves and then all those monotonous flips. This is a competition trying to find the best dance crew, not the most athletic crew.

I personally think Kaba shouldve gotten there as they seem to be almost perfect in every aspect esp isolations and i think they were the best in incorporating the themes into their dances. Although Jabba is still probably my top favorite. But that's all my personal opinion, what are yours?

I too was very surprised to see Status in the finals. They have been questionable for a few weeks-lots of tricks and not much dancing and very little in the way of tight moves. I wanted to see Kaba and Jabba duke it out. Well now it seems Jabba is home free.

i agree.
i think jabbawockeez were the best, and kaba modern was fun and had energy and would have loved towatch them battle it out in thefinals

I keep hearing this question being asked and I'm am getting EXTREMELY angry and furious. I'm going all out on this one.

Jabbawockeez is so average and plain. The only reason people like them is because they wear cool masks. The footwork they do is OK, the choreography they do is OK, and their performances are forgettable. This competition was to find something new in America. Jabbawockeez is just like every other crew in this country. But Status Quo brings life, expression, and creativity.

Personally, I don't think contrived and restricted moves is considered "dancing." That is all Jabbawockeez does! But Status Quo, on the other hand, actually dances. Dancing is all about expressing yourself. Using your body to create a story. That is the thing I have learned in my many years of dancing. Status Quo, every week, leaves me smiling and wondering what they are doing next week. If they don't win, America has made a huge mistake. Does anyone know what dancing is anymore?

I have not been impressed at all by Status Quo's performances.Their style is sloppy and it looks like everyone is doing different moves.The Hip Hop challange was terrible!Kaba Modern was much better and they should be in the finals and not Status Quo.Jabbawockeez totally kick some ***!!

I AGREE 100%
Kaba modern is my FAVORITE<3
&i was extremely sad that they went home. :(
i think status quo should've left instead.
Gah, its not fair.

Kaba modern is the shizznits.

to melinda up you even watch the shows? jabba and kaba expresses themselves in so many ways possible. plus they are fun to watch especially because they can dance. status quo is just annoying..they try to dance and it looks lousy..join the circus.

Melinda is on some serious stuf....that's all I got to say about her. It's called a dance competition, you have to do certain things in the right way in order to be the best in it, just like how 1 + 1 = 2, not Xt78 or some other crap. Anyone can have expression, but mastering a skill is so much more, and in a competition that matters and you Melinda of course can't see that. This show is fixed and rigged. THere is no way anyone who gives a rats a$$ about voting would vote for Status Hoe. I and thousands of other fans voted for Kaba Modern more than 10,000 times each person and plus Kaba and Jabba has more fan base throughout the country b/c their years and years of high level competitions. Even if there were some drug addicts that voted for Status Hoe, their votes still wouldn't be enough to match Kaba Modern or Jabbawockeez. MTV didn't want an all Asian final b/c we Asians are still viewed as foreigners and our population here in the US is still very small. They feel were not "American" enough and if there was an all Asian final than mostly Asians would watch and they would lose money. They just wanted a black crew to be there so more people would watch, even though they are an insult to dance. MTV knows nothing about dance. They just made Status hoe in the top because they knew they couldn't beat Kaba or Jabba and that eventually one Asian crew would go home and by doing this they think people would be okay with it or believe it. My a$$, this sh*t is faker than breast implants. If you don't think this is fixed and rigged and think that every other MTV show and reality show out there is real, you are a completely stupid fat f**K retard that has an IQ lower than 1.1 that needs to be shot.

It's a big set up . Here's the way i see it .
Live in Color got screwed when they somehow lost to Fysh N Chyks . All this time the Jabbawokeez have been in the top spot and now they are at the bottom with Kabba ? Status Quo messed up 3 weeks in a row . Even during there tribute to Michael Jackson . So then they set up Kabba by putting them against the Jabba's . How can you follow a routine like the one the Jabba's put on ? They knew it . Just Like Live in Color knew they got screwed . Melinda is out of her mind . For a group who is supposedly plain . No other group has the crowd into it every week like the Jabbas . Hell status quo fans were up and cheering for them

i seriously agree...
JabbaWockeeZ are my favorite, and so were Kaba Modern..
i was very angry that Kaba Modern left. Status Quo should have left. Their moves are sooo simple! the only reason they are still here is because they can flip really well. Kaba Modern deserved to stay! they were almost perfect. but as long as the JabbaWockeeZ still win, i am ok!!

Yeah, I agree. Status Quo dosen't deserve the top!
The Jabbawokeez are AWSOME!!!!
They should be in the top!

Melinda, are you stupid? You obviously know NOTHING about hip hop. There is no way that Status Quo deserves to be in the finals. It is called "America's Best Dance Crew," not "Best Trick Crew." A major part of dance is choreography and let's face it, Status Quo does not have it. Jabawockeez are flawless, they are inventive and entertaining and deserve everything they get. In all reality, it should not even be a competition between the two because they aren't even close to the same level.

There are a few things everyone should know about this dance group STATUS QUO before voting them as so called "America’s Best Dance Crew"
The following Information is not made up and can be backed up with solid evidence.

But before I tell you about Status Quo,
I must break down some very brief history that is related to the information you are about to find out on the following dance group.

In the Hiphop dance scene there is a term for street performance called "Hitting" as in ’Hitting the Streets to make money’.
(This term is more commonly used in the BBoy/Break-Dance scene)
Well known hitters in the bboy world as well as the Dance Industry are people such as Klown and KMel (’Step Up 2’ for those who are not familiar with the BBoy scene).

Street performing has been around for thousands of years so in terms of the structure of the actual performance, the tradition of ’Hitting’ started in NYC.
This includes the talking lines used to get an audience as well as the traditional hitting routines used when performing.
The whole tradition of hitting has been passed down from the original hitting crews such as the FLOAT COMMITTEE and LOCKATRON, just to name a few.
I have been told by Universal of the Original Float Committee, that Hitting started in the very early 70s.
If you are interested in learning more about the history of Hitting, I suggest you talk to the Klown, Breeze Team, Zone-TDK, KMel, etc...

If you are from New York City you are probably very familiar with Hitting.
There are street performers all over NYC. Performing outside in the streets, in the train stations, and even in the actual trains itself!

Now here’s where that group STATUS QUO comes into play.

During the summer time, several well respected NYC Hitting crews go to Boston to perform, since NYC has becoming harder and harder to perform in. (Police cracking down on street performers)

The hitting crews that come to Boston consist of: The BREEZE TEAM, TRANSFORMERZ, and Y.A.K
The areas in Boston that these crews would perform at and still do perform at are: Downtown Boston, Fanueil Hall, Boston Commons, and even Havard Sq!

About 2 years ago, there were these young group of kids called Status Quo and they started watching these 3 Hitting crews every summer.
After every performance they would praise each hitting crew about their amazing routines and their acrobatic skills in general.
Little did the Hitting Crews know was that Status Quo were secretly stealing the Hitting routines to make a name for themselves in the Boston dance scene (Not in the BBoy/Break-Dance scene).

What the group Status Quo does not understand is that for these Hitting Crews, street performing is a way of life.
This is how the BREEZE TEAM, TRANSFORMERZ, and Y.A.K make a living.
They ’Hit’ 7 days a week, all year long, even during the winter!
They made up these hitting routines as a way to make enough income to eat, pay rent, phone bills, child support, etc.
You can truly say that dancing is their life.

Now MTV comes up with this show "America’s Best Dance Crew", and Status Quo has used Hitting routines to make it through every week, all the way to the finals!

For most viewers watching this show, they do not know where the routines used by Status Quo originated from. So right away the majority of the viewers believe that Status Quo’s routines are made up entirely on their own and that the the routines are authentic, in other words original.

This may seem ok to everyone watching this show, but in the long run it will affect the dance crews who originated those routines to make a living.
More and more people will start thinking that the Hitters took those routines from Status Quo, and less income will be generated for these Hitting crews to make a living off of what they created.

In my opinion...
Plagiarizing in any form is a crime and should not be tolerated! !


If you were to create something up entirely on your own, whether it be a poem or a painting. Wouldn’t you be angry if someone took what you originated and claimed it to be theirs, as well as make a profit off of your hard work?

I hope everyone reads this with an open mind and understands that I do not hate Status Quo as people but I do believe that they are way too talented to have to steal routines.

Problemz Kru | NBW Allstars | Y.A.K
Repping the entire state of Massachusetts

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