Who else wanted to shoot the Writers on strike?!

Question: i know they are doing that so they can get more respect and money but they went to far..,...I just heard they arent bring the 24 back until next year....what the hell...im mad....

Answers: i know they are doing that so they can get more respect and money but they went to far..,...I just heard they arent bring the 24 back until next year....what the hell...im mad....

Apparently you are not very knowledgeable about what went on during the strike. You seem to think that the writers starting to strike for more money and respect was okay but that they took it too far and were out for too long. Well, sorry to inform you, but the Producers/studios were the ones who walked away from the bargaining table back in December. They said that they refused to come back unless certain items (including residuals for online materials) were taken off of the table. They ended up relenting and coming back without everything being taken off of the table (the writers ended up getting a piece of online content profit), but they were the cause of the massive delay, not the writers.

To the person who was saying that the writers did not deserve any more money because they "only" wrote one script. That might be true if the episode aired only once. It doesn't. That episode that the writer created tends to be aired once in a first-run, then in repeats on the network, then as a repeat on cable, as a repeat online, and even as part of a DVD package. So even though the major players (producers, actors, studios, etc.) get profit from each time the episode airs, the writer should only get paid once? That doesn't seem fair. Besides, it is not like they are being paid a ton. They get something like $.04 per DVD sold and 2% of the online profits (after a window of 17 days in which they get nothing). That's hardly exorbitant.

As far as 24 goes, it is not entirely the writers fault either. (Although, it is not Kiefer's fault with his DUI, as the poster above me suggested. He actually had originally scheduled to go to jail during 24's hiatus in filming (http://community.tvguide.com/blog-entry/... ), and only after the strike canceled production did he move the date up. http://community.tvguide.com/blog-entry/... ) The studios could have chosen to do what Lost is doing and air what they have and condense the rest of the story to fit the strike-shortened season. They could have aired what they have and split the season in two, airing the rest in the fall. They could have aired part of the season in the fall and part in the spring as they did with the first seasons. Instead they decided to air all of the episodes together as a group, which meant a delay until next January.

And, really, what is the big deal? It's only television. I doubt missing a show for a year will seriously affect you in any way, shape or form. I have to say that the strike has been somewhat disruptive, but a lot less so than it could have been. For the most part, sweeps months were unaffected (except for some comedies that finished early), and as that is where most new episodes of shows go, it wasn't that big a difference. Plus, it seems like the majority of shows are only going to end up with a handful fewer (most are getting 17-18 instead of 22) episodes than we would have had in a normal season. I really don't understand all of the vitriol expressed by people. Shooting the writers (even if stated in a hyperbole, which I'm hoping you are doing) seems extreme, even in sentiment.

I'd rather shoot the producers for being the cheap bastards they are.

Oh boy. You might want to edit your statement.


My show Desperate Housewives was part of that and I heard everything isn't coming back till MAY!

I think it makes sense.

They should cut some money from Keifer, maybe.

yup. im really madd. they canceled all my shows. i am upset.

writers were so underpaid and underappreciated. if they didnt take it as far as they did they wouldnt have gotten what they wanted. everyone has learned the value of good writing over the past 3 months.

I support organized labor everytime.UNION

yah change the post question, it makes you sound like a loony


Why, because they deserve a raise for the cost of living just like everybody else, and because corporations were taking their works, selling ad space both on tv AND online, and not giving them a share of the profits?

There was life before 24 and there will be life after. Get over it - there are more important things to worry about.

I second that!!!!! Bunch of Pathetic a-holes. Asking for a percentage of the money is absurd. All they do is write the storyline and that's it. They don't pay for the actors salaries or the directors salaries let alone the cost of productions. Its absurd. I'm sure there deal wasn't what they would've like but its something or nothing at all. There are a lot of writers out there who don't belong the the Union & if given a chance they'd write better stuff the the actual whiners who went on strike.

I blame the studios for forcing them to strike, not negotiating in good faith and dragging it out this long.

In the case of 24, blame Kiefer for his DUI and landing in jail, which hampered their ability to get ready for this season.

I did, whining pricks.

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