Happy Days anyone?!

Question: What is the song sung by Chachi on Happy Days that explains how the circulatory system (heart) works?
I have to do a powerpoint on the circulatory system and I need a song. Somebody only told me that...

Answers: What is the song sung by Chachi on Happy Days that explains how the circulatory system (heart) works?
I have to do a powerpoint on the circulatory system and I need a song. Somebody only told me that...

Pump Your Blood, only it wasn't Chachi, it was Potsie that sang it.

This song is good too. It's from Schoolhouse Rock http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgDQN-pvy...

It was Potsie who sang the song "Pump Your Blood".

It's the silly song, Pump Your Blood. Chachi didn't sing it. Chachi had no talent. He's the one who stood around going, "Wah wah wah". What a mind!

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