Do you think Jason Morgan and Elizabeth Webber will get together as a family on !

Question: I hope so, They deserve to have some peace and enjoy each other for a while. They have been thru a lot, and deserve a break!!!

Answers: I hope so, They deserve to have some peace and enjoy each other for a while. They have been thru a lot, and deserve a break!!!

I think eventually it will happen, but both Jason and Elizabeth will have to come to an agreement on the best way to protect Cam and Jake.

Jason didn't even have the courage to go and see her in the hospital after she saved their child! I was really disappointed! So I'm thinking she could do better now!

I really hope not. That is the stupidest relationship EVER on TV!!!!!

I just wish the would make a decision either way.

i think they will soon or a later but i dont see that happening any time soon.

I know lots don't agree with me, but I hope so. I like Jason and Liz together.


i hope so

maybe down the line when they try and leave the mob but as for now, it seems to be a dead end. I don't care for it myself.

I hope not.

i hope not! but they prolly will

Well, I seen today's preview about how he tells Liz that he wants to be with his son, so maybe it will finally happen and be done. I just want a decision to be made. The whole meeting at the safehouse thing is lame and it was already done with Courtney/Jason.

All the spoilers have said this would happen and I am still waiting. They deserve to be a happy family for as long as they can, cuz we all know in soaps it never lasts long!

No, but I do think that they will have a visitation arrangement somewhat like Sonny/Carly's. She can't handle his life and never will be able to but he deserves to be a part of his son's life.

i think the actors and writers and majority of fans want it to happen so it will. i hope it doesnt. if it does i hop its rocky and temporary. i hope jason sees liz for what she is. i hope she cheats on him and keeps tearing down his life style and i hope they have a miserable break up. i also hope that they hook jason up with sarah brown's character. and lastly i hope he takes jake away from her for as long as she has convinced him to stay separated from his son so she can understand how it feels.

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