Since "Dexter" is going to be aired on CBS, does that mean it won'!

Question: If so, that stinks I don't think it will be near as good written for network television.
I hope someone can give me some good news here!!

Answers: If so, that stinks I don't think it will be near as good written for network television.
I hope someone can give me some good news here!!

Dexter will return on showtime for season 3 soon
CBS desperate for non rerun shows due to the writers strike is airing Dexter season may not be as bad as watching the sopranos on A&E

No, CBS is just showing reruns. Because of the writer's strike all the networks are filling airtime.

I will still run on Showime, CBS will be airing Season 1.

season 3 will be on showtime, season 1 on cbs. but I dont know how they will show it without editing the crap out of it.

It will still run on Showtime. Showtime is a cable channel. So the people that don't have cable easily get to watch it on CBS, since that ain't a cable channel. But CBS, will only use reruns, like a few people said.

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