Do you enjoy celebrity apprentice?!

Question: I find it very interesting

Answers: I find it very interesting

I fircken love it.

Gene is DA MAN!

Only caught the last quarter tonight but Gene took the sword for Nelly and that's just cool.

But he's a hardass and deserved it outside of that. Just from the 2nd show she (Nelly) at least had a vision.

Gene walked with Omarosa and she was actually peaced out, only something Gene coulda pulled off.

Carol's frickin hot, but she needs to step up or she's gonna be gone with the rest that sit there.

Steven's got it goin on. He and Piers are at apparently next week so bunch of drama. Piers is a cream puff. Gene mentioned "don't let the goody too shoes act fool you Marilu's tough..." so that'll probably come up.

Gene has an extended clip from 2nd show on his website and that was cool. Gives an insider on the Ivanka stuff.

I am enjoying Celebrity Apprentice. I haven't watched The Apprentice since season one, but I decided to give the celeb edition a chance, and I like it! I hope the woman can step it up tonight and win a challenge for a change! I liked it last week when Gene Simmons and Ivanka got into that little spat! Should be good!!

To be honest, Judy, I haven't watched any of the episodes, yet. But, I have them recorded on TiVO. Maybe, I'll have enough time, tonight, to watch.

I'm sure I'll enjoy it because I love, "The Apprentice" and almost all reality shows! ;)

yep..its pretty good

Yes...gotta love Gene Simmons of Kiss, eh?

It's okay. It's a lot better than the every season but 1 & 2

It is better than I thought, I haven't watched much in the past, but I'm a big Tito Ortiz MMA fan so that made me give the show a chance and so far so good.

so far i like it but I don't understand why Omarosa is on there. she is not a celebrity like the other contestants.

Wow. No, I didn't see Gene Simmons and Ivanka on this show, but I sure wish that I had. Like the guy said, "Gene is da man." Woooot! :-)

Hi Sweet Judy, Sorry i don't watch the show because i cannot stay Donald he may be the riches man in the world but i just can't stay him!!!
A Friend,

I love it, but I don't get why Omarosa is on.. I can not stand her at all. She is just rude!!

Have not watched.

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