In which Hannah Montana episode, Oliver found out that Miley is Hannah Montana?!

Question: Can I see it online?


Answers: Can I see it online?


The episode is called "Miley Get Your Gum" it is about Miley worries that Oliver's obsession with Hannah Montana has gone too far and decides to do something drastic to cure him of his crush.? Exploiting the knowledge that he has a strong aversion to people who chomp their gum, she puts on her Hannah disguise and Lilly arranges a coincidental beachfront meeting with Oliver.? When Oliver discovers that not only does Hannah Montana chomp her gum, but she is not above putting it back in her mouth after it has fallen in the sand, he is still not cured of his obsession so Miley finally resorts to revealing her true identity. I am not sure if you can see it online but I hope that I helped you.

like the third one
lol :P

its in the epesode ''miley get your gum'' stop watching hannah montanna it sucks

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