New Years with Dick Clark?!

Question: Is New Years with Dick Clark ever gonna change? I mean the guy has cancer in the throat or something. I like the guy. But he could barely talk. We need him to step down? Who agrees ?

Answers: Is New Years with Dick Clark ever gonna change? I mean the guy has cancer in the throat or something. I like the guy. But he could barely talk. We need him to step down? Who agrees ?

I agree

Your such a loser. If you had half a brain you'd know he had a stroke a couple of years ago. And I think he is doing GREAT seeing what he has been through! Do your research before mouthing off you idiot!

Check out the website and educate yourself!!!!!

Just to let you know a stroke can happen at any age. It isn't an old person thing. It can and does happen to many young people every year! I know a few in their 30's and several in their 40's that have suffered from strokes.

I just say Dick Clark should be on there every year doing the count down. GO MR. DICK CLARK!!!!!

To be correct, he had a stroke a little over 2 years ago. But i agree that it is close for him to step aside. He did sound bad last night, and I expect for the next new years special to be his last.

Dick Clark had a stroke and made a really remarkable recovery.
Dick Clark is a New Year's Institution and it really will be hard to see him go but next year should be his last as host.
A cameo or guest appearance of wishing everyone a Happy New Year would be better than watching his decline.

You have no feelings I was happy to see Mr Dick Clark he is an icon and has been trough so much I am glad that he is talking better and I sincerely hope that he will be back and doing even better next year

dick clark has been around times squareas long as i remember. he will step down when he feels the need. he does not do it full time anymore, i think if it bugs people all they have to do is watch something else.

Dick Clark had a stroke in 2004. The production company he founded, "dick clark productions", produces the New Year's show. My guess would be that, because of that, he'll be able to do it as long as he wants to. However, Ryan Seacrest is now an "Executive Producer" of the show and ABC said a couple of years ago that when Dick Clark fully steps down from the show, it will be handed over to Ryan Seacrest full-time.

I had no problem with Dick Clark. He is actually doing quite well considering that he had a major stroke. The person that I had a problem with was that comic Kathy Griffith (?Griffen), who co-hosted with Anderson Cooper on the CNN New Year's Eve from Time Square. I find a lot of her comedy in very bad taste and I find her irritating in so many ways.

No. The man is an icon and every year I look forward to seeing him on the show that he created so many years ago. No one could ever replace him. Instead of complaining about how he talks, you should thankful that he is alive and well, and still has the strength and courage to continue living his life in the public eye which places such a high demand on physical beauty and perfection. You may find it uncomfortable to watch him (especially if you remember him from his American Bandstand days), but that's your problem; turn the channel. Or better yet, get over your mental constipation and on next New Year's Eve, tune in to see the real strength and courage of a man who's overcome some very serious obstacles. Have a Happy New Year Dick Clark!

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