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Question: That Duane Chapman is a waste of life?

Not only has he now become the most publicly racist person, he has already been convicted of first degree murder, had his first of ELEVEN children at 16, one of which he has never met, and most of which are as useless to society as he is.

How did this man ever get a tv show?

Answers: That Duane Chapman is a waste of life?

Not only has he now become the most publicly racist person, he has already been convicted of first degree murder, had his first of ELEVEN children at 16, one of which he has never met, and most of which are as useless to society as he is.

How did this man ever get a tv show?

yes I do agree.

He does help a lot of people and gets criminals off the street. We can't jusge him without really hearing his side. I am sure that tape only shows a portion of what went on. I have watched his show for a few years and had never witnessed him being anything but a good guy, even when he arrests someone he and his crew go out of their way to help them in any way they can. I believe he has 12 kids and who cares if he was 16, he has taken care of them and the prison thing, well he isn't the first and he didn't actually commit the killing he was with whoever did and knew nothing of it but went down for it just the same because he was there.

I don't know. =D

Everyone does things in their lives that they may not be proud of. But you know what...that doesn't give you, me, or anyone else the right to judge the life he lives. Live your life and don't worry so much about others' lives and maybe you will be happy.

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