Days: At the beginning of John's funeral?!

Question: I saw the part when Victor comes into the church and goes to the podium. But I missed everything after that. What did Victor say to everyone at the funeral?

Answers: I saw the part when Victor comes into the church and goes to the podium. But I missed everything after that. What did Victor say to everyone at the funeral?

He gave his condolenses to Marlena and Belle and said that John was a good man who would be missed. He also said that John had been his son-in-law when he was married to Isabella and that they had been close up until point.

well i forgot word for word but he told every one how sorry he was about john dieing and he told belle and her mom how sorry he was and he was sorry for comeing but he had some things that need to be said.

he didnt have alot to say except he was sorry for everything that had happened with john and to try to show some sympathy....but hey hes back

He wanted to give his condolences and express that he felt John was a good man and will be missed.

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