Stargate Fans?!


Stargate Fans?

Anyone that watches Stargate Sg-1 can add me as a contact if ya want. Ya its kinda nerdy but so what.....Kree!

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1 day ago
Yeah Atlantis does suck but I watched the last too because of Amanda.

Answers: 1 day ago
Yeah Atlantis does suck but I watched the last too because of Amanda. Hey, leave Rodney alone. Some of us like him.

And I happen to think Atlantis is a great show. It's not as good as SG-1, but it's one of my favorites. I only discovered it a couple years ago.It's a good show.I really liked the movie.I'm not a fan of Atlantis though. I try not to watch crap... omg my mom and sister LOVE that show. I'm kind of wondering how this is a question, but OK. Did you hear about the two Stargate movies coming out next year? Kree! Nerdy? What are you talking about? Where are you from,Chulak?

P.S. And Atlantis does NOT suck-except for the parts with Rodney McKay.

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