Fosters home for imaginary friends?!


Fosters home for imaginary friends?

I WANNA HORSIE!!! together were brother ladies!!!
anybody else a cheese fan? =]

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1 day ago
hey another question, in the big fat awesome house party where is edwardo? ive never found him.

Answers: 1 day ago
hey another question, in the big fat awesome house party where is edwardo? ive never found him. WEEEEEEEEEEE I like chocolate milk !!!!!!!! I love him not as much as Goo but LOVE him. ^_^ DJ YES! in fact, i named my pleco after him. MEE!!
I love cheese!
I like chocolate milk. I like chocolate milk! U KNO IT!!!!
hehe ???HuH??? i like potatoes
cheese is hilarious! I was in a foster home when I was 10 and that particular family had 4 horses. It was fun to be there sometimes. I saw a lot of abuse towards the other 16 kids that lived in the same house. I love bloo! My kids started watching Fosters - I got addicted to it too!!

My favorite episode is when they have the house party and Mac gets the sugar high and is running nudie - so, so funny. i like cereal :) You...go...girl! I like chocolate milk! Cheese is hilarious! ^_^

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