Is Greg from Kid Nation really a bad guy?!


Is Greg from Kid Nation really a bad guy?

Sure, the show plays into Greg's teenage, punk attitude, making him look like the town's bully. But I have to disagree. Greg isn't bullying the other kids as much as he is attempting to take charge in positions the other kids want to take no part in. Take for example, his swearing outburst on tonight's episode. What was the entire reason for this? The four 'holier-than-thou' members of the Town Council were ringing the bell to get the other kids out of bed. When this effort proved fruitless, Greg took a more active role in slamming some pans together: 'Your morning wake up call, brought to you by Greg.' When this didn't work, (like most kids do), he tried something even more physical, like rolling over the stubborn 10, 11, and 12 year olds. Still refusing to get out of bed, Greg dragged one of them into the street and left her. Sure, this behavior may be rude, but it got everyone out of bed! So, is Greg really the bad guy the show makes him out to be? Or just an overly-extreme leader?

Answers: I actually like Greg and feel a bit sorry for him. He works his butt off most of the time because he really wants that gold star.
He takes charge and does some things by using unconventional means but he usually gets his point across even though most of the other kids don't like the way he expresses himself.
I think he is just frustrated quite a bit because all the council sees is the negativity from him. They have YET to see past the "big bully" Greg and really examine the hard working, extremely knowledgeable young man who has really helped the town out tremendously with the skills he possesses.
Seriously, how many kids his age know how to slaughter a chicken or herd sheep etc.?
The council won't see past the mean Greg though and THAT frustrates me too. He deserves the gold star and I hope he does get it before the show ends. I had his baby, and he STILL hasn't paid me a dime in child support! He crossed the line when he got physical. Banging the pans together was fine, but then he took it a step too far. This is typical adolescent behavior though, just as swearing. He will look back on this and feel embarrassed by his own behavior I am sure.

God bless! Yes, he is, because he resorts to being a bully and has selfish motives behind his actions. Intent counts for everything. Yes, greg is a bad guy because he's mean to the other kids. However, being the oldest, he can feel somewhat isolated in that regard. And most 15 years olds are not going to put up with younger kids BS. If this show was about 12-18 year olds Greg probably would blend in more, and it would be some 18 year old trying to take charge. I agree with you! I think he is an overly-extreme leader. He is just sick of all the immature leaders not willing to take control and lead everyone to success. This was shown on the first episode where Mike (I think, the boy scout leader) was in Greg's face and Greg was only trying to help! He is the most mature, although he doesn't set a good example, but I am positive that the town would prosper under his leadership skills. But he isn't allowed to be a leader because of the stupid council that is in place right now. I fnd him immature, bt what can we do? He is after all a teenager, not meant to be wise and stoic with maturity just yet. He is clearly after the Gold Star as he states in his talks to the camera, and he is never at all happy for anyone who does win the star.
He is selfish and his intent is a goal towards an end.
It wasn't his job to wake anyone up, to each his/her own. Those who didn't show up, should have been left alone to not hear the info, not get a star in the end.
Swearing shows that he is no leader at all. Children respond to love and kindness and disciplin, but NOT abuse. No older person should verbally abuse anyone.
He has a lot of anger and he is negative a lot of the times. The only time I saw him happy was when he butchered a life/chicken.
Not exactly what i'd call a happy kid.
But in the end, that's all he is.
he has a lot to learn and needs to take his time to grow and mature.
There's been many leaders out in the world who made a huge difference by never speaking of violence, and their names stay in our history books. He seems like the only ''normal'' kid in the show. All the other kids are a bunch of lazy fags.

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