Can you give a baby booze?!


Can you give a baby booze?

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19 hours ago
Not even Baby Cham?

Answers: 19 hours ago
Not even Baby Cham? only if uncle peter is babysitting with reeves and mortimer legally no, theyre bodies arent ready for that just yet. some ppl say that you can put a tiny drop of whiskey in their milk to help them sleep or to help with teething but i dont think its wise. I dont think midwives and health visitors would advise it either Oh yes...thats so funny i see why you stuck it in comedy...NOT!!! Only if it's over 18 and in a miniskirt. No,,,is that a question you really couldn`t figure out for yourself,,,, not legally and they sometimes don't like it as much as milk but technically you can give a baby booze :) No you should not give a baby booze as
there kidneys are not developed enough
to deal with alcohol of any description I rubbed whiskey on my sons gums when he was teething. An old fashioned home remedy from my helped soothe the pain. Yaa from lips up and also down there Well what a stupid ? are u thick why would u want to give a baby alcohol.A BIG NO. Nope well what do you think Absolutely not!

Your name must be Britney to ask something that stupid! i would like to give you a good hiding what a stupid thing todo that used 2 be the norm years ago but now adays no. Don't be daft of course you cant U PRAT Not in Portugal apparently,
the McCanns have got into a lot of trouble over the issue. CAN you.... Yes.
Should you?...... Hmm Don't b so bloody stupid.

Booze has bad effects on adults, so how much worse will it be babies? Definitely not! Why would you want to do that?
There are some old wives tales about rubbing whiskey on a baby's gums for help with teething pain, but I've never known anyone to do that.
So, again, do not give a baby any alcohol. What are 6 years old or something? Oh wait, never mind, a 6 year old knows better than that! Geesh! Baby Cham seems to be well above the legal drinking age. And the Gerber baby has got to be, like, 80 by now. Other than that, I wouldn't advise it. i read somewhere years ago that it is illegal to give a child under 2 years old alcohol. if they are over 2 then i guess it's ok! try watching Vic reeves big night out and the smell of reeves and Mortimer to get the joke
as Vic and bob always used to say "you cant give a baby booze"
they did though once relent upon the discovery of some babycham as according to Vic due to its name it must be booze for babies
the odd looking bloke did also once ask for a *** for his baby and got quite upset when this was refused as Vic's baby had a *** but stood corrected when Vic told him his baby was actually a miniature puppet of Michael winner smoking a cigar

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